Commit to your health and performance TODAY!
Our lives don’t fit into “one size fits all” categories, so why should our training?
As a mom of two, I know how time and financially demanding sport, particularly triathlon, can be. That is why I designed not only my coaching fee (one of the lowest personalized high performance coaching on the market) but also my coaching style to be respectful not only to my athlete’s budgets but also their time and family commitments.
I don’t believe in hours of “garbage yardage” to waste your time and take away from those you love. Instead, I design your custom plan to suit your busy life and commitments outside of training while still ensuring you have what you need to perform to the highest caliber.
We as individuals don’t fit into easily defined categories which is why I offer various styles of training that can molded to benefit you depending on where you are in life and what goals you are looking to reach. Most triathlon coaches do not offer strength training, and most strength coaches do not coach endurance athletes. My goal is to offer all of my clients the best experience they can imagine (while being affordable for the family) by providing them a wide array of tools to reach their goals happy, healthy and in the best performance shape possible!
Coach Kelly Ann is a professional triathlete, mom of two, military spouse, business owner, lifestyle & nutrition advisor, and outdoors woman who prides herself of growing, harvesting and preparing her family’s food from home grown and sourced ingredients.
Learn more on the About Me page!

“If everyone likes you, you’re either wearing a really great mask, or not being your authentic self. Those who move mountains piss people off.”
— Unknown
I am a very open & honest coach. I don’t bullshit you or blow smoke up your 😉. You may not always like what I have to hear but it will always be respectful and in your best interest.
If you’re looking for a great coach, I’m that.
If you’re looking for a cheerleader, look elsewhere.
TKT Testimonials
You're really good at what you do 👍🏼 you say shit people need to hear 😂 they get to decide if they truly want to hear it but still needs to be said regardless!
Thank you Coach! I'm truly happy because I'm following your suggestions and information and it's so natural and easy. I can eat what I like and still reach my goals and I have all the energy to workout and be a good person 😂 really, thank you!
This has really changed my life in such a positive way! I appreciate you so much!